Next week I’ll be attending AngularConnect 2018 conference and I’m very excited to return to one of my favorite conferences. I’ve missed last year conference due to other commitments, and I’m eager to meet all my old friends and make new ones.

In this year’s AngularConnect I’ll have a mini-workshop at the end of day one. The workshop is called “#UseThePlatform with Stencil and Angular” and it’s all about Stencil and how to wire it in Angular apps. If you are interesting to hear more about Web Components, Stencil and Angular you shouldn’t miss this workshop. At the end of the workshop you will have an interesting and practical guided exercise.
In the conference’s second day I’ll have office hours and also a Q&A Panel about coding. Of course I’ll be wondering around in the conference halls as usual 😊. So if you see me around and you have any question or you just wanna talk, don’t hesitate and come talk to me.
See you soon!